The Stag Shop Blog

Last Month on YouTube...Feb 2022

Did you know that we have a YouTube channel!? If you’re not subscribed yet, here is a sneak peek at some of the fun we had over there in February 2022!
March 31, 2022

Universal Couples Toys


Whether you’ve been with your partner for 5 days or 5 years – trying new things can spice up your sex life, enhance communication, and bring you closer together as a couple. So if you’re bored with the same old sex routine, learn about some universal couples toys with sex educator Emily!

Meet the Cast:

Improve Your Sex Life With The 5 Love Languages


If you haven’t heard of the 5 different love languages, it stems from the idea that different people give and receive love in different ways. Join sex educator Emily to learn more about the love languages and how you can better incorporate them into your sex life!

Sex Toys Apps FAQ


If you had questions about how these types of toys work, we have the answers! Join sex educator Emily as she answers some of your most frequently asked questions about long-distance & app-controlled sex toys.

Rechargeable vs Battery-Operated Toys


One of the things that make your sex toys so fun are motors! That power has to come from somewhere though, and for most toys, it’s either from batteries or rechargeable technology. Join sex educator Emily as she breaks down the differences between the two.

Meet the Cast:


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