The Stag Shop Blog

Holiday Gift Guide 2022: For Him

If you’re shopping for a male partner or someone with a penis this Holiday season, here are 5 of our best-selling toys worth gifting this year!
Emily Zawadzki
December 15, 2022

Want even MORE ideas?! Check out our ideas from last year!

1. Satisfyer Powerful One

This vibrating and waterproof penis ring by Satisfyer can be used manually with the one-push button on the back OR it can be connected to the app for remote/long-distance control and even more play possibilities!Β 

Although it feels pleasurable for the wearer, it also features textured ridges that can stimulate their partner as well with each thrust!

2. We-Vibe Vector +

vector black with remotevector blue

Available in two different colours - blue and black - the We-Vibe Vector+ is an app-compatible & vibrating prostate massager unlike any other! It boasts not one, but two motors for simultaneous dual stimulation of the prostate and the perineum.

Giving you the most customization for your body, the internal shaft of the Vector+ is completely adjustable while the perineum-stimulating base is flexible to move with your body as you play. Use the Vector+ with the included wireless remote control or through We-Vibe’s app!

3. Arcwave Ghost

Take their stroking game to the next level with the reversible and deliciously textured Ghost! It’s portable, petite, and available in three different colours - black, navy, and mint - making it the perfect addition to any stocking!

What makes the Ghost so unique compared to other similar stroker styles is that it is reversible, providing the user with two unique and stimulating textures in a premium and reusable material.

4. Kiiroo Keon

kiiroo keon setkeon stroker

Embodying both innovation and design in a small, compact casing; the Kiiroo Keon set with interactive Bluetooth base & Feel Stroker is the ultimate automatic toy set for penis havers!

The Feel Stroker with realistic entry and a spiral-textured inner chamber can be used on its own or be paired with the Keon base for an automatic, hands-free experience and to connect to the Kiiroo app! The app offers even more features for the user including: interacting with other toys, VR content, connecting with a partner, and more!

Taking your pleasure to the next level, the automated Keon (base) offers up to 230 strokes per minute and gives you full control of the speed and length of the stroke. This provides the option for both shallow and more deeper strokes which can provide different sensations to the penis.

Check out our blog post to learn more about the Kiiroo Keon set!

5. Zuice

Zuice is a male enhancement formula that contains 100% all natural ingredients in a potent, synergistic blend to promote sexual health and improve peripheral blood flow. Approved by Health Canada, the fast acting and clinically-proven ingredients work to boost sex drive & desire and improve erectile function - which benefits both of you!πŸ˜‰


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